
We contribute to strengthen resilience processes from an agroecological approach in Chiapas.

The region of Los Altos de Chiapas is part of a long chain of mountains of the central plateau, which originates in Guatemala and penetrates in SE-NW direction to the Mexican territory; its altitude varies between 2 000 and 2 760 meters above sea level; its climate is temperate sub-humid with frost from November to February and rainfall of 1 200 mm. The vegetation is mesophilic mountain forest, quercus, oak and pine forest. This region is made up of 17 municipalities with a mostly indigenous population, with the exception of the mestizo municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas. Its territory is made up of several populations of Mayan origin, mainly Tseltal and Tsotsil, which have common and differentiated ways of life among the municipalities.

The Problem

The vegetation of Los Altos de Chiapas is currently highly fragmented, disturbed and disturbed, with extensive areas deforested for agricultural and livestock activities or urban development, which has led to vulnerability and risks of loss, overexploitation of habitat and threats to native species. The mountainous terrain has thin, stony soils, generally with steep to abrupt slopes, which creates conditions susceptible to erosion, which is accelerated by the loss of vegetative cover and directly affects the recharge of aquifers and water sources. In addition, there is no significant surface hydrological network, but rather it has developed subway (Ramos-Hernández, 2013).

Forest nursery

We produce 400,000 temperate climate plants per year for revegetation of the territory. We seek to diversify the sources of seeds to have good plant material, for this we buy certified seeds of pines, as well as diversity of species with local suppliers according to availability and collect to ensure at least 15 different species including ash, cypress, colorin, liquidámbar, sabino, trueno, cajeta, aile, willow, varieties of pines and oaks etc.



We accompany farmer processes to share and add knowledge in the field. We seek sustainable strategies and solutions for agroecosystem management, from a socially responsible, economically viable, ecologically sound and culturally appropriate approach.


We strengthen nature with local communities through forest plant donations and reforestation events.

Laboratory of Experiences

Producimos y evaluamos diversidad de especies y técnicas agroecológicas para su apropiación en el campo.

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