We are a multidisciplinary team motivated to contribute to the strengthening of nature

About Us

We are a non-profit organization, motivated to contribute to rehabilitate, revegetate and take care of forest areas. From an agroecological perspective, we integrate alternatives with a holistic approach based on the good management of natural resources in the state of Chiapas in conjunction with local people.


Caring for and strengthening nature together with local indigenous and peasant communities, transforming degraded lands into healthy and edible forests.


Create a sustainable socio-environmental management model for degraded lands in Mesoamerica.

Our History

Chiapas, biocultural landscape

We work in two regions, in the Highlands of Chiapas based in the municipality of San Cristobal de Las Casas, and in the Central Depression region in the municipality of San Lucas.
We were born from the collective and collaborative work with Citizens for Territorial Action in the Jovel Valley Watershed (CATCVJ) and the Jovel Valley Watershed Committee (CCVJ) in the year 2021.
In April 2022, we incorporated as a non-profit civil association ‘Your Forest A.C.’. (Your Forest A.C.).

Our Values

Reciprocity, rural-urban co-responsibility

Equitable distribution of the tasks of caring for the territory, assuming responsibilities and actions from each context.


Combine actions with other people, organized groups, institutions to strengthen and advance towards a common goal.


It helps us to move forward in the face of all adversity. It stimulates us to learn and improve, and to set and meet goals.

We contribute to the regeneration of degraded lands, care and good use of forest areas in the central depression and highlands of Chiapas, Mexico in conjunction with the local population.

Our Alliances